20 May 2014

Langkawi Day 2

At 3 am, Langkawi rained the whole night. It didn't stop at all and got us really worried and afraid our activities might have to be cancelled. Alhamdullilah, it stopped at 9-10am. Phewww~ We quickly headed down to the jetty and off to Coral Island! 

The boat took an hour or so to reach the island. Over there, we snorkelled! It was my first time and I had fun! What disgust me was the toilet. Omg, cannot sia. I want to pee also cannot. HAHAHAAH! But i did. Luckily I brought plenty of mineral water bottles to at least not hurt my important body parts. You know what I mean. Their shower and water to cebok all are seawater. How can... Pedih sia nanti. I've warned all of you here. Bring your mineral water and don't bother showering. Shower when you return to your hotel room :) 

 I don't have much pictures over here since I used my water camera to snap pictures of fishes. Those pictures are in the process of developing. So, I'll post next time. 

We had OTOT again. Headed to shopping mall and see see a while. Buy food is the most important thing to do first. Then, off to night market. We then settled down and checked in our resort. It was so nearby the beach. Very convenient. Ooooh, the scenery at Pantai Cenang, I loved it! 

Biasa luh makan durian. Malaysia mah~ 

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