10 June 2015

06 May 2015

Sarah's Pancake

Pancake's like Macdonalds' hotcakes honestly. I enjoyed the mixed berries more than the apple cinnamon-ish pancake. lol, this is a short post.

21 April 2015

Still like the fact that one direction always accompanies me when I study. 
At times when I feel frustrated for not being able to answer a single shitty tutorial ques, I will just look and admire  them and... they...actually eased me. Crazy, I know. 

13 April 2015


Spring has sprung for some countries! Here in SG, we celebrate arrival of tulips in Gardens By The Bay, Tulipmania exhibition. I love all kinds of flowers. Tulips is one of flowers that I would love to see real life and not only on tissue boxes (for example, Beautex)... You get my joke? Since my trip to Turkey was during winter, I was not able to see tulips! Right now, tulips are seen everywhere over there!!!! *cries* At least GBTB has given me the chance to see tulips, #goodenough. 


This year's Tulipmania was fairytale themed. Among all the fairy tales they featured, I absolutely love what they had done for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. They sure made the tiny cottage sweet looking and surrounded with lovely tulips. In Snow White, you must not forget the magical mirror! Eunice and I took a long time trying to capture ourselves in the mirror + cottage. So, a lovely passer-by (which I assume is good at photography) helped us took a decent shot. We had cramped faces coz we were not sure when he is gonna take the shot. That is why I said DECENT. 

30 March 2015

Red Velvet Waffles @ Spatula

Exams are coming! Of course, chill before you mug for exams. I decided to head down to Spatula to try their yummy-looking red velvet waffles! I've always wanted to try rv waffles and never had the time or maybe never knew of any famous stores selling rv waffles. Since I've worked at Spatula, I knew they were good at their red velvet cupcakes. So I thought their waffles ought to be good too. Thankfully, momma was free to hang out with me after school and we indulged ourselves to rv waffles! Fyi, it was their monthly waffles (and it's the 2nd last day to indulge on it!!!). 

I must say their red velvet waffles were delicious. I LOVED IT! I'm really impressed with the generous amount of ice cream they scooped and the drizzle of Nutella that totally compliments the waffles. You never go wrong with Nutella. So so  so good I hoped they'll make rv waffles permanent.