21 May 2014

Langkawi Day 3

Last day here since our flight is early in the morning. It's really not 4 days, 3 nights in Langkawi to be exact. Oh well, At least we covered quite a lot of places and the last day itineraries were island hopping and water sport activites! Yiippeeee!! 

We island hopped to Pulau Dayang Bunting. 
Why the name? Coz the island shaped of a pregnant lady. Not sure where the picture of the island is. I think my brother has it. We spent an hour at the island. Climbed up and down the stairs. Uphill, downhill and saw a number of monkeys. After climbing the stairs, you'll eventually reach the Tasik Dayang Bunting. You can swim, ride on paddling boat thinggy or just soak your feet in the ocean water. Just like I did.

Yeaaah, see the monkey's butt. Eeeew, hahaha! Looks like mangosteen to me. 
If you followed me on Instagram, I uploaded a video of these three monkeys! The monkey holding the bag of potato chips totally not into "sharing is caring". 

Next, Pulau Helang.
There were so many eagles over there! That is why Langkawi is called LANGkawi because of the eagles. Eagle in malay is helang. Short form they call it Lang.

Lastly, Beras Basah Island. 
At that island, you can swim or do water sport activities for an hour. But we decided not too coz our real deal water activities are waiting for us at Pantai Cenang! Over at this island, monkeys are everywhere. They are totally good listeners. HAHAHA! Whenever they hear the sound of plastics or food wrappers, they know it. Here's a picture of my family.... next to us was.... a monkey.
If you were to zoom in to my dad's tummy.... He hid the pack of Twisties when the monkey came to hand out with us. The monyet face seriously.. buat dek je. HAHHAA! And how cute my father was to hurriedly hid Twisties underneath his shirt. 

Take a photo of the iconic eagle statue before you leave Langkawi! 

Headed back to our resort. Changed to our swimming outfits and off for water sports activities! YAAAAYY! 
Since our tour guide was very well known - small world they say. All the beach guys who are in charge of the water activities knew him. And gave us an incredibly cheaper rate! 
We did parasailing at RM 70/ person. Usual price was RM 120/person. 
Banana boat was counted for the price of one person... But three rode on it. 
Jet ski was... not sure how much. But it was soooooooo fun! 

Although parasailing ended real fast. It seemed like 5 minutes rather than what they promised - 15 minutes :( Banana boat was thrilling! The seawater, of course, was a painful experience I had to bear. It stung my face all the time. I had to kept drinking the water - not on purpose yah. I was quite afraid to control the jet ski but my brother pillion me so I was safe and sound. 


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