19 May 2014

Langkawi Day 1

Overseas trip with the family to Langkawi! I've always wanted to travel and spend my holiday trip on island. And finally we went! Yay! I no longer like going for K.L/ Malacca trip - which my family usually go to the previous years. It's always the same thing when we go there - shopping, eating, sightseeing. For how many years I've been there, there's nothing to sightsee anymore.

The air tickets to Langkawi was quite cheap (I'm not sure how much tho, hahaha!). So my daddy quickly booked the air tickets. However, neither does he booked for any tour plans nor resorts/hotels. Great. Luckily, Expo had this travel event and... yay, we were able to secure ourselves a trustworthy tour guide/ plans.

4 days, 3 nights - covers home stay (2d,1n), all those tourist attractions, booking the resort for us and also, rent a car for us to travel the whole island of Langkawi!

I bet I mentioned that I wished to have stayed longer in the transit? Duh, there's a lot of branded things down there. You don't have to pay service taxes. Woohoo! Of course, I bought my Pandora. Totally planned everything before this day, fyi. I wished I could have thought everything thoroughly and have the power to spend as much. Sigh, all I can do at Marc Jacobs was to see and touch the bags/wallets etc. Next time, Humsie. Work your ass off and save that money! 

Upon reaching Langkawi, I saw this! It's Mickey and friends hanging up there on a parachute! How cute. Hahaha. 
The car they rented for us was not bad at all. It's clean and they got for us a good car brand. Well, not the BMW kind duh. At least a Hyundai Vios was good enough. As long it's clean, comfy and not the typical Proton Saga car. 
Langkawi is an island, probably almost the size or maybe smaller to Singapore? (if you don't include their separated islands). There ain't no trains around. Little public buses we saw. Hence, all the way the citizens travel via their own car or motorbikes. IF we ever get lost, rest assure they said, it's just an island. We can eventually return home safely. 

We reached the home stay venue and... we were greeted by many cats! Sooooo adorable, friendly and none we scared of us, strangers! I played with the kitten below! I wish to bring it home!!!! 

The above cat is the mother of that kitten! Yes, you're right! They look exactly different! Because this momma fucked a pure black cat (not snapped tho). Hence, the baby. Cross breed, that's right. 


Firstly, we rode on a boat and went to bat cave. Sorry, bats. For we, the tourist, had to pay you a visit during your bedtime.

Next, fish farm!
There were a lot of fishes, crabs, lobsters, stingrays etc. Below is me holding the..... uh huh, what do you call that? Crab? Ahh, crap, I don't know.

Next up, the crocodile cave! 
The tide was pasang (air pasang)... Lol, uh huh, I don't know how to say it in English. Hence, due to that, we were not able to enter the cave. If we did.... our heads will be hit by the rocks. Obviously. No, there weren't any crocodiles. 

The boat sped up and we were close to Thailand borders.
Here's Klim Geoforest Park. We just took a photo of the island only.

The above island is shaped like a....... Would you like to guess? 

How about this rock? What does it look like? 
Answers are at the end of this post. Happy guessing! 

After visiting the first part of the tourist attraction, we were on our own. OTOT. Knowing we only have three days over in Langkawi, we quickly head down to the well known attractions. Being nearby to the jetty, we headed to Air Hangat Village Langkawi. 
This is how the place work. You take a stroll and pass by foot reflexology obstacles (it's up to you if you want to). After all those work out, you head down to the well where you soak your feet in the warm water. Ooooh, that's what we need. 

We headed for the Langkawi Cable Car! This cable car ride consists of three stations - first, middle, last station. And really, it was high up there this cable car ride. I'm glad I'm not afraid of heights. My brother was quite surprised to see me standing in the cabin, snapping pictures of the beautiful scenery.

Unfortunately, this was not completely done :( Or else, I would have walked through it. Sigh. 

End of day 1. 

Answers: Shoe and Red Indian 

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