02 April 2013

Marble Cake

It's the start of my first official Wellington baking class at Siti's Delights, Enterprise One. Spent the whole lot of my cash I earned as a retail sales and took up cake beginner module. I think it's gonna be a worth it course and something that will definitely stick with me throughout my alive years. hahaha!

I'm sure one day I might make awesome cakes for weddings, parties or whatsoever. If I have enough support from my family and friends. Ya knoooowww~ Business always starts from everyone of those people you've met before. 

Apart from taking up driver's license (which I want to take up as well), I think this course is waaaaayyy beneficial for me. I don't get to drive around or practice after getting license, will I? Ya know why? Coz I don't have any car! Neither a family car. No, not gonna just rent it coz it'll be darn pricey and not gonna earn any bucks thereafter. More of forking out those bucks.

Back on track, first lesson was marble cake! I don't fancy this cake by the way. Coz it's kindaaaa meh, normal ~ But hell, it tastes like air and darn yummmyy! It's spongy, springy and not that sweet at all! 

Lesson was great as I get to learn the benefits, the proper technique of making the cake. This marble cake ain't like normal marble cake which is dense, heavy, compact and not spongy at all. This one springs like comfy pillow and tastes like you're eating air! I swearrrr!!!! 

I baked with these two fine ladies. Coincidentally, they had names that starts with the letter "H". And we called ourselves TRIPLE H! Yaaaayyyy! More baking lessons with them then! 

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