30 March 2013

Le Petit Pâtissier

Le Petit Pâtissier is a brand new shop in the littlest town of Bedok North. It is really in a hidden and quite unnoticeable place. However, if you're living around that area, I'm pretty sure you'll definitely come across this tiny dessert shop. 

As familiar as it sounds, this dessert shop is based on a mother-and-daughter business and yeah, just like my previous post on the dessert shop in Clarke Quay, Little House of Dreams. I guessed it's really an in-thing now for dessert shops. Especially with whatever cupcakes or cakes they are selling too! It's merely the same thing wherever I go. But no harm trying them out, right? I'm very sure they have tiny speciality in each of their desserts. You may find some having fillings in the cupcakes (like Fluffbakery's ), a tint of alcohol in the cupcakes (like Twelve Cupcakes'- which is a big no no for me to consume!) and beyond perfect decorations (like Spatula Bakery's ).

Since I came in their shop at around 9pm, I believed they are left with a few cupcakes or maybe none. Thankfully, they are still whipping something in their kitchen and had a few desserts on shelves! Yipeeee! However, I don't really fancy what they have there.... It's dominated with loads of cheese-cupcakes~ Yeaaaah, CHEESE. I don't like anything to do with cheese on my desserts honestly. Sorry, cheese-lovers!! Heheheee. 

Luckily they still have 2 cookies and cream cupcakes left! Sooo, if you know me well, I'll definitely eye on anything oreo (with no cheesyyyy thing of course!). Oh, I forgot to mention that I was clueless on what cupcakes to buy! Due to.... the cheeeeseeeee issue! hahahaha! So, she did asked me whether I loved Red Velvet (everyone does). Anddddd, tadaaaa! I asked for 2 cookies and cream cupcakes. In addition, I've got a bonus FREE mini Red Velvet cupcake! :D 

The regular sized cupcakes costs $2.80 each. Affordable, riggghhtt? Definitely gonna go down there and buy more cookies and cream! hahahaha! However, the mini cupcakes aren't that worth it in my opinion. It costs 3 for $5 (mix and match). For a tiny thaaanng, I'd rather buy those regular sized! The cupcakes were doubt yummy. It was indeed moist like wherever I've tried. However, the frosting (decorations) differs from the others that I've tasted. Le Petit Pâtissier definitely made used of their love for cheese! HAHAHA! I mean it! Their frostings were cream cheese - Well, I know that Red Velvet compliments with it. But, their cookies and cream too!!! 

Unfortunately, I find that it was a tad too sweet when I had my second bite to the cupcake. It was like another Twelve Cupcake version of sweet. What I really adore would be Fluffbakery's frosting - not too sweet, Just perfect to want more! But, I'll definitely come for more because it's affordable and damn generous with the oreos / frostings! :D Ohhh! The lady boss is sooo friendly and sweet too! I do adore lovely service given by tiny dessert shops. hehehe. 

Do check out their store or visit them on Le Petit Patissier Facebook / Website!

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