25 December 2012

Merry Johor

It has been so long since I came to Johor for variety of food , cheap movie tickets, different kinds of household products, chewing gums and ....... mostly on the food. Since I knew they were renovating around early this year (?) , I didn't go for a visit down there. Neither do I have the time from my holidays to head down for a one-day vacation. I was glad they renovated to something far off convenient and yummy for us, for everyone.

For your info, I normally go to City Square Mall located just .... or maybe righhht after you step out of checkpoint between Singapore and Malaysia. Not literally step out and you've reached your destination~ Duuh, you gotta walk a little bit. hahhaa!!!!

The first thing that pops on my mind going for a vacation there was food..... Nope,WERE.... FOODSSSS!! Emphasizing on the ssssss , you see. The renovated City Square Mall was far off better than the previous. The moment you enter and take an escalator up... You'll see countless number of food shops down there. Ranging from restaurants to just snacking. To make it sound more extravagant (because y'all might think Singapore do have everything food too maaah~), over there are mostly HALAL. Which means.... You'll see me just dashing into the restaurants that catches my eye. *wink* hehehe. Yup, very convenient. That's the most good thing of going on a vacation in Malaysia.

Firstly, was Subway! Eat fresh~
Which was a MUST to consume when in Malaysia. ALL MEATS ARE HALAL, fyi :) Rumours might have spread like wild fire about Malaysia's Subway not being Halal sooner or later. This is because they want to standardize it (this franchise / selling thing) worldwide. HELL NO! PLEASE DON'T !!! 

I had mine with meatballs! Yummmm! I love meatballs and I don't know why. It's cute to consume I think. hhahaha! Not taking any advantage on my Subway sandwich, I spammmm on vegetables with tomato, olives, capsicums.... Thank god, I do not mind consuming all those vegetables. Except for onions (yucckks!).  

Afterwards, went to catch a movie which was also a MUST thing to do.. for my family especially. Because the tickets over there was cheaaapp!! If I'm not wrong it was RM 10 = SGD 5 ++ ? I know rigghhtt~~ So, we caught Jack Reacher and it was funny and a gooood movie! Do requires a little bit of thinking as well during this movie. 

Thereafter.. of course. dinner time! For my family, it was the usual Season's Restaurant. Which is also known for it's cousin, Swenses. hehehe. During our dining there, we were entertained by Christmas performances at the foyer (see above). The Santa mascot wasss super cute !!!! Can you spot it?? 

After dinner, we went for a little grocery shopping. Bought mooreee foods! Especially pastries from Season's Bakery. The shop has expanded which means more and more pastries can be displayed and sold! Yippeee! And yesss, I saw newer pastries which I immediately grabbed them before any other could grab it! hehehee.
Moreover,  I would like to share my experience on Churros! It's best consumed when it's freshly made and warm! Do not wait til you go home and consume it because by then, it will turned soggy and what's the point... of Churros when it tastes bland and not crunchy anymore :( Churros was amazingly delicious and it tastes just like the Char Kway/ You Tiao!! Just that it is waaay more crunchy! :D

Next time, I'm soooo gonna buy and eat on the spot! hahahah! Seriously, no point bringing it home :(  And I will definitely get my hands on crispy crepes! I didn't have any room to stuff any more food after dinner. Yeaaahh, sadly~

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