26 December 2012

December On Ice

Finally, managed to find a free day  to spend time with the above peeepos~ Since we wanted to do something (an activity) rather than eating only... we went ice skating! Yipppe. It was totally a successful one because of there was an exception of someone... which normally pulls us down planning an outing together. No hates. 

I miss ice skating and I'm glad I kinda found my outfit for a chilly winter season weather! Hahaha. My pinkish red Mango Pullover and my black Hoodie! Plus my band gloves! Yesss!! Gloves are super important. Wished to have had wayyy more thicker gloves - do they have/sell it? By the way, in love with both of their gloves! STRIPES! So cutteee and pssst... it was from Daiso. I shall quietly grab one pair from there soon too! hehehehe. With nooo... valid reasons why I should do so~ 
I like the picture above! Makes us feel like we're really in overseas , snowing~ I wish... ohhhh I wish~ 

In Shaa Allah one day :) 

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