06 February 2014


This might be sentimental (or probably not).

Honestly, I love being the youngest in the family. Not that I'm always pampered nor am I the most privileged among my siblings. We're being treated equally. Well, maybe most favour the second brother since he's an all rounder. But whatever. I'm glad to have two big brothers and no sisters at all. I don't think I'll be the Humaira I am right now if I had sisters. You never know I might powdered/artificial blushed myself too much or always overdress~ 

I'm blessed that my brothers (each one of them) are able to help me out in my studies. Like seriously I'll always go running to their room with my messy stress hair and asked them ques or even asked them to do my homework. HAHA! I'm also glad that I ended up in an engineering field. Similarly, the other two. It doesn't matter the specified engineering field you are in because whatever you're doing you gotta have basics. 

They've been there to guide me learn my basics. I remembered clearly (like it was yesterday, LOL!) the eldest brother helped me so much during my year 1 poly. No wonder I was such a brainiac among my peers. hahahaha! Not bragging, okay. When basics ended, I'm on my own... And it was a struggle but inshaAllah I can do it :) 

Don't know why I'm being sentimental in the middle of the night.  As much as I hate being inferior (at times), I'm thankful to have the second brother in the same school as me. Just that... He doesn't want to hang out with me in school because I'm not cool enough for him. So sad.............. *cries one corner* 

Goodnight, selamat malam, おやすみなさい! Adios, amigo! 

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