15 September 2013

Thai Coconut Ice Cream

Heard the all the buzz regarding book sales, the Halal food exhibition thinggg at Expo. So, decided to work hard and complete as much assignments on Friday and Saturday morning. And, yuppp... I sure can do it! I've completed quite as much... I suppose :) 

Thanks to Razz for tempting me to go down to Expo and get some crap from Popular Booksale. I brought home 1 set of highlighter (not sure whether there's ink or not....... I hope so lah!) and correction tapesssss ( 3 for  $4.90 - with refills all that). I spent below$10 for all these. It's afforadable okaaaayyy! I wanted to get a storybook but nothing attracts me... Neither, does the price of the book (some of them). Only boring storybooks were darn cheap. So, I better not splurged on unnecessary stuff. Yay me! 

Next, I heard from my mum that she tried this popular Thai Coconut Ice Cream at Expo as well. Hooow could she have tried when I haven't evennn....!??!? So, there you go, Humaira :) It was a bloody $5 treat. Nevertheless, I won't complain on the price much because my mum forked out the money! HAHAHAHAHAH! :') Thank youuuuu~ 
To me, it tasted great and had this explosion-feeling (booomz!) at the beginning of consumption. And as the ice cream melts and.... you get tire of scooping the ice cream, the wow-feeling just fades awayyy~ Nonetheless, I finally tried it! It was sold at Ramadhan Bazaar, Geylang. Sadly, I didn't chance upon it at that time (even though I went twice). 

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