03 June 2013

S.E.A Aquarium

Finally, I went to S.E.A Aquarium. However, we planned to go there at a wrong date, wrong month. It was definitely a peak day, which was definitely way more expensive than non-peak days. Yup, this month of June is also definitely a June holiday! Andddd that is whyyy we had to pay $33/ticket. Shheeesssh. Can they offer like student price for Singaporeans. Probably, the counter staff worked too much until he don't know how to differentiate between local and foreigner. hahaha! 

Anyhooooo, I'd say S.E.A Aquarium was almost alike to Underwater World. Just that this is well known and more attractive due to it's large viewing aquarium tank. I, too, was amazed how much Singapore totally spent on this aquarium and HOW THE HELL did they put such large aquarium tank!!! And fit all those creatures!!!! HAHAHAHA! 

^Flat Seahorses? (hahahahah!)
Obviously, I don't really bother to read all those creature names or whatever description about them, ya know. Well, honestly, I read a few (showing goodie bookworm girl side over here) .
They're soooo good at camouflaging and never did move any single inch. I had difficulty finding them anyway. But, they were so photogenic! I had no trouble AT ALL at taking their pictures. hahaha! 
^Not sure what this creature is called. 
Can you spot it?? Hmm hmm~ hehehe.

^Bloody huge (kinda disgusting looking) Sea Cucumber! 
I wanna touccchh it even though it looks........ Eeeeew~ Hahahaha! 
Note: This isn't just one starfish that I took. I love starfishes coz they're absolutely cute!

^Normal-looking Stingray
Thank you to this Stingray because it had made my life easier. I didn't have to crazily stand with my iPhone and took bloody blur shots of stingrays! Probably, it is too tired to move about. Or probably, it liked me and decided to stay put, be photogenic. 
^Not sure about this... but it looked super pretty! 

I just totally named it flatfish... Not sure whether it is accurate though. 

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^ Leopard Stingray. 
Because it looked and have leopard prinnnggzzz, I called it that. hahaha!  

Told youuuu I loved starfishes! And we were able to get to touch it at this touching bay~ It felt hard and rough. Wished I could touch the larger ones! Ohhh!  Not only that, I did touched smaller sized sea cucumber! Sooooooo hairrrryyyyy feeeeellll !!!! 

^The gorgeous cylindrical aquarium tank.
try to snap as much fish photos. Anddd.. well, we can't really get a good picture because the fishes were zooming pass as fast as possible, that my fingers weren't able to catch up snapping a photo of them. 
^Sea worms
They were sooo cute! They hid when we wanted to take picture of it. Camera shy, maybe?
My best scenery taken by me~ Lovely isn't it? 

^Mud skipper 
I don't have to go to Pulau Ubin to see this anymore! I've seen it! Hahahaa!
^Giant Tiger Crab
It would be good if I could cook it. hahaha! Mmmm~
^Ya know, what is this called? 
Coz.... I don't. 

^ Jellyfishes 
Another favourite creature of mine!!!! They were sooo cuteee and the way they blob around...... Ahhh~ I'm in love with it. I wissshhh I could touch it !! I know some of it are kinda disgusting (the tails/ legs) , but whatever... It's sooooo coooolll !!! 

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