09 January 2014


Good morning. Or should I say Konnichiwa (こんにちわ〜). 
I dreamt that I would be getting Japanese language as my unrestricted electives. InshaAllah. Hence, I started revising on my japanese writing early in the morning since I couldn't sleep back after Subuh. Not gonna risk sleeping and suffering from coughing fits at the moment. 

Can't believe school's starting next week. Booooo! I don't want to go school. I don't what to travel 2 hours back and forth. I don't want to see my friends. I don't want to study. I don't want.... K enough. 

See you or Jaa mata (じゃまた。)  
To be honest, I seriously cannot write nicely with paper and pen. It's so frustrating! How I wish exams they provide us with computer or smth to type out the Japanese characters haha. 

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