30 September 2013


Recently, I was too stress out with Uni life and so I had all the urge to do some retail therapy (as usual). I don't feel like going out and walk around the mall because that's totally a waste of time. So, I insta hop/blog hop whatever hoppings I did and ended up eyeing on these beautiful tote bags. It's simple and waaayyy to adorable! 

I totally adored the length of the tote bag strap. It's the kind of length that I've always wanted for a tote bag. These kind of straps kinda make me feel like "Hey, it's a lazy day... why not be sloppy!" hahaah. In my opinion by the way~ The sizing of the tote bag itself ain't too small and ain't too big. It's of a perfect size - the way I like my tote bags to be :) 

I didn't quite know the existence of Sketch-a-Tote until I saw someone wearing the tote itself. It's too cute to ignore obviously! From then on, I knew they cater customization of tote bags. Without hesitation, I followed them on Instagram (@sketchatote) and lucky me, they just opened customization order! There you see me deciding on my designs and thus, I ordered these two bags shown below! 

Of course, I loved them! The designs weren't that small and it tote-lly covered as much (of the white) space as possible! I'm glad. 
Oh, not to mention, I simply loved the way they packaged these bags to me!! How lovely and I totally took a looong time admiring the packaging. Also, I spent a long time snapping pictures of it (yes, don't judge please). 

Do check them out: 

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