27 July 2013

Last Day @ Spatula Bakery

Today marks my last day over at Spatula Bakery since I'm going back to school! However, it's not totally the last day anyway. Boss gave me the opportunity to come back and work. And, I'm sure I'll be so glad to come back to help out.I can't bare to let go off a wonderful career over there.

I'll definitely miss helping out in the kitchen - decorating cupcakes, making fun pops/cake pops/ cake jars and also, help out stock up handmade chocolate bars and flowers! I'll miss being rooted on the ground at the cashier area. I'm miss the regular customers. I'll miss the smell of cupcakes when I enter the store. I'll miss working in foooodddd , delicious fooood (everywhere!) area~ I'll miss having the chance to meet celebrities and taking photo with them! Most of all, I'll miss my girls- Anna and Faezah :') 

When I came back from break and also, thrashing rubbish, I came back and saw................... this on the kitchen table. I was like... "eh??? *points to the box*" Yes, I was certainly surprised! Hahaha. 

And in the box... Was the most sentimental and loveliest fondant cake I've ever received! I swear it wasn't easy for Boss to write on the cake with a paintbrush. I've helped her out with this before. But, wooww, writing a lovely message on it, obviously she has the skills to conquer this in no time (before I get back to the store). I was sure moved by their lovely way to bid farewell to me :') 

The cake was definitely my favourite of all cupcake flavours at the store - PURE PEANUT BUTTER!!!! YAYYYY! Thank you so much, girls! I'll miss the both of you and hoped for a successful business ahead of y'all! I'll come back to help out, rest assure~ 

Lastly, I was able to bring home 12 cupcakes as well! However, I took six only since I know people at home won't eat them at all. Sooooo..... HAHAHAHAHAHA! How annoying. 

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