30 June 2013


I haven't been blogging like...... More than a week now. Well, honestly, there's nothing to share at all. My life's more of work...work... Well, worksssss. Yeah, tell me about it - I have no life!

It's almost to the end of June now. Look, at what I've posted on this blog for the month of June! That pathetic! Speaking of June, it officially marks my 3 months at Yoguru! Uh huh, totally outta of the probation phase liaooo!!!! Woohoo!!! 

Let me tell you about Yoguru then. I love Yoguru honestly. Not only just because of the yoghurt (which I ate like too much every time on my shifts) - eeeep! I love girls whom I worked with over at RC. Not sure about the other outlets but nonetheless, I still feel the girls are all super lovely! The way they SMS and asked for replacement and all that shitzxzz, I can tell they're lovely :) haha! 

So my lovely dearest babe, Paige, every  closing Thursday shift, she had to quit and ya know.... Leave me as she's gonna get a full time job! All the best!!! She's absolutely lovely, fun and totally neat when I'm working with her. Although, I kinda feel guilty on our quiet moments (because of me, obviously).

Thereeee you go~ Paige was replaced by Joycelyn which was super remarkably miraculous that I could (I tell you!) get along with her super well. I met Joycelyn on Sunday morning as it was her training! She was super lovely and the next round, I was surprised that she took up a temporary Thursday closing shift with me! FYI, this picture was taken on her first day of work! So cuteeeee!!! 

Can't wait for tomorrow as I'm gonna end my June shift and will be working with Joycelyn tomorrow! Yip yip! 

Tally ho~ have a great June! 

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