01 December 2012

Fluff Bakery @ Penny University

Curiosity kills the cat, they say. Heard all the buzz and attracted to pictures liked on Instagram by friends - Penny University caught my eyes as a lovely cafe down the alley / streets of East Coast Road once again. No, it's not just about waffles and ice cream this time round. It's cupcakes! However, it's not any ordinary cupcakes~ IT'S FLUFF BAKERY'S CUPCAKES. And it's Halal. hahaha! Even though the place didn't serve Halal sandwiches (I suppose?).

Anyhooo, told myself I'm gonna go down and try some her cupcakes! Especially the super famous Nutella Red Velvet Cupcakes. Lovely Saturday morning came and my family drove down to Penny University (not to survey on universities by the way~ haha!) just for me. I know I was tad damn early coming down at 8:45am. Excuse me, the always-sold-out cupcakes might be sold out early morning too ya know! hahahaha!!

Thank god, they were still there. FRESH FROM THE BOXES OF CUPCAKES. The lovely owner of Fluffy Bakery was there arranging her cupcakes as well. I suppose I was her first Saturday customer? I'm honoured. It wasn't my lucky day though since I was expecting her amazing pies/mango tarts/cakes whatsoever. Unfortunately, she does it once in a blue moon. I have to check out her Instagram or the Penny University's Facebook page for latest desserts updates next time round!

What's available on the cupcakes shelves were the bestseller Nutella Red Velvet cupcakes and two new cupcake flavours - Chocolate Peanut Butter with caramelised Banana and Salted Caramel Cupcakes!! I hereby display the cupcakes below:

Nutella Red Velvet Cupcakes 

To be honest, Fluff Bakery's RVC beats the ones I've eaten from Coffee Bean and Twelve Cupcakes. The texture of the cupcake was nothing like Coffee Bean's red velvet cake - which was crumbly and rough. I'm not too sure what to expect from red velvet's yet though.... 
Compared to Twelve Cupcakes, Fluff Bakery's RVC was moist as ever. It just melts in your mouth I tell ya. As a cheese-hater I am, the word cream cheese on Fluff Bakery's red velvet cupcakes didn't disgust me at all. The cream cheese was nothing with cheesy taste at all! And I'm in love with it unlike Twelve Cupcakes. 

Moreover, the addition of Nutella in the cupcake has gained bonus brownie points. Yes, I'm sure Nutella suits every single food in the world. HAHA! Just look at the above pictures, the amount of Nutella was generous. The nutella red velvet cupcakes doesn't need any argument or questioning  to why it is always available in the cafe and thus, sold out in a wink of an eye. 

BETTER COME EARLY TO GRAB THESE! I had mine and I'm definitely heading down again. 

 Chocolate Peanut Butter with caramelised Banana

I know it might be a long name for a cupcake but I sure there's a shorter form for it. Hahah! But hey, it explains everything about this cupcake. For a peanut butter lover (like me!), this was the first I ate among all three. I love the flower design of her peanut butter cream - I'm dying to learn it one day! 

The cupcake compromises of chocolate base cupcake and the core filled with caramelised banana. I tell youuuu... the banana inside was a generous serving too. It was the size of a $1 coin (I assume) ! hahhahha! I was so delighted upon seeing the core of the cupcake and definitely am inspired to make one myself! :D 

Similarly, the cupcake was moist and not too sweet at all for the caramelized banana. It was juuuust right. 

Salted Caramel 

My brother ate this cupcake because the name of the cupcake didn't fancy me much. However, I did try! Of course, I always will try. hehehe. It does have a tad taste of salt, which duuuh -.-. Overall, it tasted like caramel popcorn!! Well, I guess I did enjoyed this but ain't gonna disturb the brother. 

I ain't gonna talk much on this because I didn't really much experience the taste of it. From the looks of my brother, well....... He's a guy...... They don't really savour every bite of desserts. 

Assorted Croissants: Chocolate and Raisin & Cinnamon Croissants 

For the bread lovers, Penny University's croissants are all huge !!! I was like the happiest girl on earth eating my croissants. And the Raisins & Cinnamon tasted so gooooood! But if served warm, I'm sure it's waaay better. Hopefully, Penny U would warm the croissants before serving to customers dining there :) 

So, my dying need to head down to Penny University was achieved! The amazing Fluff Bakery's different type of cupcakes and tarts are what I'm gonna chase after the next time I'm planning to head down there~~ WAIT FOR ME!!! MAKE SURE YOU'LL BE THERE!!! 
You guuuuuys gotta try her cupcakes! It's mouth watering and worth the trip heading down to East Coast Road. No regrets I tell you. But, do come early before all of it are gone. Not only that, Penny University is a wonderful, lovely and cosy cafe to lepak in. The moment you step into the cafe, the aroma of coffee fills the air~ For coffee-lovers, I heard they have nice cup of coffees down there. TEEEHHEE. 


Penny University 
402 East Coast Road , Singapore 
Singapore 428997 


  1. Hahaha. I think standard la around $3.50-$4 per cupcake. I just buy all together with the croissant so I don't know how much each cuppies.
