25 November 2012


Had waffles and ice cream on a Friday after school. Well, not really the end of lessons for me yet. There was a makeup lesson at 2;30pm. Yeah, and I ended at 12;30 around there...Due to the fact I had Razzlynn to accompany, I couldn't go home. Not that I regret or dreaded this opportunity. Hahaha. So, we had a little dessert time together. Never did this before with the clan. And yes, finally we did. :)

Mischiefous is located not far from both TP and my house. Apparently, I don't walk around there that often. Moreover, can sum up that I don't go to market with my parents AT ALL. hahahaha! It has been opened quite some time in October, I suppose? And I was still clueless about it -.-
Nonetheless, I finally came to visit ! Surprisingly, the person knew we were new to this shop and gave her all her time serving us / sampling us the different kind of ice cream. I kinda pitied her as she seemed tired in the end.... after all the tries we asked her. HAHAHAH! Thank you so much for that :D

Their ice cream was delicious. Ranging from chocolate bars such as Snickers and Ferrero Rocher, candies such as Yupi Gummy Bears and many more. I have to say those ice cream were top notch in tasting like the original thing - chocolates/candies and it was riccchhh in flavour.
After all the tasting, I had myself a waffles with Ferrero Rocher ice cream. Meanwhile, Razzlynn had waffles with Snickers ice cream. It costs $7 and $6.40 respectively. I guessed the pricing were quite reasonable. We came in the mid-day therefore, therefore, they had special offer for the waffles and ice cream @ $5.50 ! However, the ice cream range was limited which consists of Oreos/ Gummy Bears/ chocolate / Coffee/ Berry... It was a plain, standard flavours that didn't wow us as much.

I must say the waffles was served warm and compliment well with the cold ice cream served. YUM! I could head down again since it's soooo nearby home~ YIPPEEE!!! However, the place... the seating wasn't as grand and big as I thought it would be. It's just small and little seats which I would find myself trouble having to find seats or share seats..... hahaha.

After crucial, crazy, frustration and nerve-wrecking period of MP/SIP, finally it's over. And I thought the presentation Razzlynn& I put up was smoootthh~ Yeah, we did get a little good feedback in the end. Like the way we organised the process each of our experiments / applications. It was darn time-consuming presentation I suppose. No doubts, it could be due to the judges curiosity. Sigh. Whatever. Still, alhamudllilah we did our very best. Even with the absence of Fajrina (which was the cause of frustration during presentation preparations)
 So, now, the very last phase.... REPORT. InsyaAllah I can do it and give my very best. 

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