10 November 2012


Celebrated my birthday , the special 10-11-12 at Sakura International Buffet Restaurant! Its a Halal one, no worries (like duh) hahaha. Over there, we had dinner since it's more of a longer hour compared to lunch. I'm not too sure how much it cost per person. Probably, $31 from what I calculated. In addition, if you're holding a NTUC member card, you'll get 10% discount! ( if I'm not wrong about the discount)

Anyhooo, it was my first time over there. To be honest, I'm not a big-huge eater for buffets. Unfortunately, I (kinda) ate little over at Sakura's. :( Most probably, the amount of drinks I took. Stttuuuupid~ hahha! Thank god,I (weirdly) started off buffet with desserts! I knowww... It's probably illegal to start off with desserts. But hey, better eat the ones you love before you get stuffed~

Here are brownies, chocolate eclairs, oreo cheesecake and durian puffs !
Yes, cheesecake. CHEESEcake. The word CHEESE on a cake.. However, it tasted like nooooo cheese at all. Hahhaa. I doubt that's cheesecake and guessed they might have labelled it wrongly. How 'bout try calling them.... Cocoa cake? Because all I tasted was cocoa powder - the dusting.

The brownies were like brownies. Crispy, crusty on the top and equal amount of chocolate here and there. It's good. 
Uh huh, say yes to every buffet - chocolate eclairs !!! Good as usual~ Mmmm!! 
Lastly, I have to say... Damn nice durian puffs down there. Probably, they ordered from D24 or something coz the durian taste was so rich !! And ohhhh~ I loved it~~ Mmmmmmmm!!!!!!  

Nope, sushi wasn't what I had during the buffet. I dislike sushi. It taste weird, I'm sorry. This was all eaten by my brother and I just had to take a snapshot of this. It looks neat and full in a plate. hahaah! For you info, all you sushi fans, over there are filled with 2/5 of sushi foods/boundary (in my opinion). That's why I had no idea what to eat at all. :( 

My second plate was pau and siew mai! Totally satisfied my craves for all of these. However, it wasn't tasty and outstanding at all. It's more of a mehhh taste. Especially the chicken BBQ pau, super upsetting. I'd rather have them in school which tasted fresh, yummy and ever-warm. The siew mai , too, was in the same ranking as of the chicken BBQ pau. 
What excites me the most was the mini bunny pau! Super cute and it was my first time having them. Therefore, I have no slight critic about it. I don't even know what's in it ! It was almost alike like red bean pau. Just that it's not red bean paste~~ 

This plate was my favourite! Hahaha. Yeaaah, who doesn't love fried foods right ? I love those tiny fried wanton. I think I ate like 20 of them? hahaha. Kept me coming back for more~~ Not only those wanton(s), even the fried tempura too! Fried chicken was typical~ So, I had a few of them enough to stuff other kind of food into my tummy,

They had takoyaki too~ YAY! And it's mini !~ haha. However, the fish flakes.....Booooooo~~ 

All full and enable to even stand up/ walk around... I just propped myself on my seat and was ready for a little nap. HAHAHAHAH! FAT. But I didn't sleep (of course).

The last course of the buffet was fruits. I didn't take shots of all the fruits because it was too fruits~~ Haha. I had to take shots of my brother's plate which was full of dragonfruits.

That dragon fruits 

  •  is rich in vitamin C and fibers that help provide an overall healthy body, boosting the immune system.
  •  aids in the digestion of food and promotes the growth of probiotics.
  •  aids in controlling the blood sugar level for diabetes patients.
  •  aids in digestion, cleans toxic ingredients thus preventing the occurrence of colon cancer and prevents formation of cancer causing free radicals.
  •  helps to control cholesterol level. 

Hehehe. So, eat your dragon fruits people!!

I'm all full and couldn't take it anymore. Meanwhile, the brothers kept stuffing themselves. UNBELIEVABLE. 

Sakura Downtown East
1 Pasir Ris Close #02-02
Tel: 63755 8197

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