06 August 2012

Since you all know that I have new colour for my room.... And yesterday I added something new to my room too :D Sooooooooooooo excited when purchasing it. It's a room wall decal ! I had trouble myself choosing between owl & squirrels (above) and cats. I asked a few people and the response was a fair share. Well, I decided to go with my utmost likings. Explains the owl. hehehee. YAAAAAAAYYY! And it turned out pretty darn good. Thanks to both mama & brother in helping me put up the decal. No doubt, without them it wouldn't turn out straight (for the black lines). I ain't the straight lines person ya know. Sigh. Anyhow, bought those amazing decal online. Yup, Qoo10 also known as Gmarket :) And it was discounted at $1.90 ~~ 

Added to that, a new bookshelf.... When will I be getting rid of the old one!!!!!!!! My room already growing sempit (crowded/packed) leeehhhh. :(

In school, this is what we do :) We ditched the lab and headed to library for some research on............. Foods. Desserts mostly to be more specific. Sooooo boredddd !!!!!
And todday I found something exciting to do in school. Games :) Food games.
Everything's gotta be food for Humaira.


  1. that decal looks so cool against the purple!!


    1. Yeah, totally adoring it everyday. Thank you :D
