21 July 2012


Since a decade plus, FINALLY, my room has a new colour. And I'm loving it. Yeah, I DID have trouble choosing what colour to paint my room. I only had in mind... A cosy, cooling, a little bit dark and a colour which matches my lantern lamp :) heheee. Again, it's just a lantern I picked up from the void deck. Ohhhh, it was a lost and a frightened lantern during Lantern Festival alright~~ Hahaha.
Firstly, maroon was my first choice. Oh boy, it had a lot of different tones and choices for a MAROON/RED and ALL was almost alike :O . Sooooo..... Then, brownish grey I had in mind...But naaaahhh....hahaha. Finally, purple! YAY! Wild violet was my final say and choice :D And I totally had no regrets.
My curtains are currently Hello Kitty.... And I'm loving my new room.

Worth my every thirst and sweatsssss... And the after pain I had to suffer. It still hurts and everything had to be done left-handed.

SELAMAT BERPUASA, wahai muslimin & muslimah :)

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