27 May 2013

Malacca Trip - Part 2

Went shopping and more eating the second day! And look what I found when I was shopping! Line dolls! Sooooo cuteeee! The bear, Brown, wasn't accurate at all. What a disappointment. But oh well, the others look perfectly fine and I was certainly spoilt for choice at that moment! I wished I could buy all !!! But what's the point anyway. So, I bought rabbit thinking it was wayyy worth it as the person might spent more time sewing the ears! hahaha. 

Since it was food day, I chanced upon A&W and I knew it was a MUST to go there! Sadly, they didn't serve the root beer float using a mug.... Maybe too little manpower? No one to wash the mugs? Hahaha. Doesn't matter! I still love their thick, crispy waffles and their yummy curly fries!!! 

Next up, we went for Hi-Tea buffet at Mahkota Parade Hotel (our most visited beloved hotel). Darrrn that A&W and heavy breakfast I had in the morning and afternoon. I couldn't even consume much during the Hi-Tea. Neither was there much choice tho... It was kinda recycled foods ? Probably from morning breakfast buffet. Hmmm...

After Hi-Tea, we went shopping and walk walk again. At as sun slowly beginning to set, we went back to hotel to rest. Around 6:30pm plus, I saw the most beautiful thing God created - Sunset ! Back then when I was staying at Mahkota Parade Hotel, I got the chance to view stunning sun rise! Now, it was sun set! Yaaaay! Howww amazing view this hotel gives. They should be around 4 to 5 stars leh!! HAHAHAH! 

And, I literally sat beside the window while eating caramel popcorn. Like a movie~ But this is real~ hahaha! Take a lookat the Gif I made. I stayed on the bed til 7:10pm around there.. until the sun officially perpetually sets. SubhanaAllah :) 

 photo anigif-2_zpsdfaf3c17.gif

Then, we went to nearby night market. Food again of course! It was too delicious that I forgot to take photo. Oh whatever. hahaha! Glory of night market's food! Andddd.. when walking thru night market, I saw a stall selling pets. There were cats too! And it looked super pitiful :( Kinda no freedom...Sigh. 

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