27 May 2013

Malacca Trip - Part 1

This week is totally a rest week for me! A few working days and a load of nice rest days! I'm loving it. Probably I should come up with a stupid and sound convincing excuse for a rest day. hahaha! But no $$$$ yo! I'm hitting my target to at least save up and earn at most $2k before school starts! Have to fuckit outings with friends (well, none are free anyway) and work work work! 

During the rest days, I went for a trip to Malacca with the family on Vesak Day til Sunday. So here's part one. As usual, Malaysia trip is all about food. Halal food to be exact. It's darn easy to find coz it's scattered everywhereeee! And I simply adore the convenience of finding food over there! It's been a while since I travelled by rented car to Malaysia and finally got back to the usual hang out holiday, Malacca! 

First stop: Breek's Cafe! Of course we were starving after quite a long and (a little) jam ride to there. We checked in to a newest and cheap hotel! Additionally, the hotel is super clean and super convenient! The shopping mall was just beside out hotel. How convenient is thaaatt!! Loving it! 

I wasn't able to take photos of the food first because.... well, we were all hungry and the food was absolutely great! I just took one picture.... Dessert (of course)! This dessert was ohhh myy gossshhh damn delicious! It had milo powder at the sides, chocolate ice cream at the top and second layer, vanilla ice cream at the third layer and chocolate fudge at the bottom! Ohh geeez. The combination of all the flavours they had in that tower ice cream was amazing! 


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