19 March 2013

Special Night with Demi Lovato

The very first day of the release of Demi Lovato's concert tickets which was in the midst of my final exams in TP! I'm so absolutely thankful for having Razz to inform me IMMEDIATELY about her concert! Unfortunately, I don't know what has got into me... I slipped the chance of purchasing early bird tickets which was in a package- 4 tickets for $73 each !! STUPID HUMAIRA! Could have saved $20 for the tickets~ But anyhoooo.. What's past is past~ 

Then, my iPhone calendar appeared to have an invitation to a Date with Demi! :O With Eunice's brother??? hahahaha. Noooo... She's just using her brother's account :) Did I accept it? Hmmm.. Now, I realised. I hope I did. Hehehe. 

Then, after exams and nearing 18th March, a hell loads of contests for free passes to Demi Lovato's Soundcheck & Meet and Greet to be given out! Sadly.... None of my contest entries were stunning enough to have caught anyone's attention I suppose. But, to have lucky Hazwani tagging along for Demi's concert, she won a pair of tickets to Demi's Soundcheck !!!!! HOW LUCKY!! (as always) 
I wished to have won too so that Eunice can come in as well and catch a close up of Demi. :( 

Here you go with the Soundcheck pictures I took: 

She was soooooo beautiful and her voice was ultimately beyond amazing !!! I love her so muchhh~ I was at the verge of tearing, fyi. I know I might sound like a bimbo and ultimate despo fan girl. But., honestly and seriously. I couldn't contain my ultimate excitement !!!!!! She was real and just right in front of me~ Not on TV, laptop or magazines anymore !!! I'M LOOKING AT HER LIVE!!!!! :') 

 Apparently, she likes looking at my iPhone camera~ hehehehe.
Woooppps! What's that person pointing to with her finger?? HAHAHAHAH! #therightmomenttosnapapicture. 

Oh and by the way, her wonderful backup singers (that I very much adore as well) passed by us after Soundcheck!! Should have thought of taking pictures with them!!! Geeeezzz~
I couldn't take any pictures during the actual concert because of my height disadvantage and .... She was glowing TOO bright. Unfortunately, neither my iPhone / Olympus camera could capture her face. :( 

And her forever-best-awesome-always-sticking-with-her guitarist!!!! 

That's Demi Lovato over there! Well, I tried my best~~ I can see her here in this picture~~ hehehe. 

How was Demi Lovato's Concert? 

7/10. It was alright as I didn't really get to FULLY enjoy myself during her concert. Sadly, due to my height disadvantage and I absolutely dislike the venue. They should really have thought of the number of fans going for her concert. And should totally damn right... suggested to be held in Singapore Indoor Stadium !! Seriously! I can barely see her !!!!! The moments I can see her was on people's phone screen and also whenever she comes to the side of the stage. And I had to literally stretch my neck like a turtle! I'm soooo not gonna go for free standing anymore. It's horrible, really. hahaha! 

Moreover, her show started almost an hour late :( Whhyyyyyy!!! It's so annoying to wait in a crowd with a guy who is awfully mean and inconsiderate! AND SMELLY!!! Hahahaa. Not only him, the girls with long ponytails, seriously !!! Be considerate and think before you swish your bloody ponytail~ Grrrr. 

No doubt, Demi still put up an amazing show and displayed her fabulous vocals and talents! She played the piano and guitar. And totally not forgetting, her head banging here and there and also, her little dance moves~~ Oh, she's gorgeous. hehehe!!!! I wowed at her stamina as she tackles her songs one at a time. And hell, I don't think there were plenty of breaks in between her songs! (to me) hahaha. SHE'S THAT STRONG AND AMAZING!!! :O 
Here were the songs she sang. Honestly, the people who went there (around where I am standing) made me soooo frustrated. They kept asking their friends "eh, what song ah?" and apparently doesn't know songs from her Unbroken and Don't Forget album! That's so disappointing!!! You could have just let me go much more further in front and enjoy the concert~ Rather than you... Stand there and wait for the Hit Singles - Skyscraper/ Heart Attack. Geeeezzz. Yes, I am very annoyed. 

But thankful for the soundcheck passes! I've seen my greatest idol, Demi Lovato. So thankful and blessed for Hazwani's luck and her really awesome understanding sister - who gave her chance for a close up of Demi Lovato to me :') THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! 

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