18 March 2013

Demi Lovato - Eve of Concert

In less than 24 hours, Demi Lovato will be performing LIVE in Hard Rock Cafe, Coselium, Singapore. It's definitely worth waiting for and finally, I get to meet her face-to-face and not only on TV screens (eg: Disney Channel, American Idol). I'M SUPER STOKED FOR THIS DAY!!!!!! :D :D :D I've never been soo excited during the eve of a concert!! But Demi?!?!?! Wooooooohhh~~ I think I am really a true fan of hers! 

Anyhoooo, I had a FB chat conversation when I was 16/17 yrs old? I've posted this conversation before. However, I'm not really sure whether she's real. But today - 18 March 2013 - just proved she was real. Check out the conversation I had with her below! TEEHEHHEE~ 
She sound just like her - friendly, sweet, nice, polite, cute~ I can go on forever... hahahaha! 


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