28 November 2014

Fluff Bakery - Chendol Cupcake

^Chendol Cupake ($4)

Craving for Fluff's cupcakes! I promised myself that I will get them after exams are officially over, But, who cares! When your tummy wants it, you gotta goo get it! So glad that have new flavours on that week for me to try! 

Chendol cupcake has well, chendol on the cream. I'm surprised that they invented such cream! I mean hooww did you pipe them out?! Is it possible? I gotttaa try it one day! Thankfully the cream was not too sweet. It was just right (as always). In addition, there's gula melaka drizzle on the cream itself too. I enjoyed the cream very much. For the filling, it was red bean paste if I'm not wrong. However, it was a bit too sweet for me. It made everything tasted so sweet. I couldn't get myself to eat all of the filling :( 

Nonetheless, chendol cupcake is a must try! 

I regret not buying the Solero cupcake!!! 

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