02 April 2014


It's less than 3 weeks to exams. It's reallly faaassst I know right. I have not touched or even started revising on the first half of the semester topics. I'm not quite sure what I've been doing so far. Well, every single semester I'll say this same old phrase~~ 

Anyhoooo, I'll start soon. Since quizzes are just around the corner, it'll encourage me to start revising soon enough. Went to school today to grab some goodie baaaaags. It ain't cool at all to have to bring it back home. All in all, the stuff in there are pretty much of a good quality. For example, Kiel's facial product (omg! I've always wanted to try them), Neutrogena, Maybelline... They even gave me contact lenses casing/ solution.... Like... what for? Hmmm...

Lemme show you how editing pictures does wonders to your picture. 
I used Camera 360 for the below picture and the edits are too exaggerative in my opinion. Anyone can tell it's totally #filtered, #edited.   


In real life, I'm brown coz I'm malay, -.-" k bye. 


  1. :O u can give me the solution hahahah

    1. Hahaha! Okieeee I shall give you went we meet. That'll be $10. hehehe

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