23 February 2014

Ceiling deco

I do not make use of the appropriate ceiling light cover. Not sure where it went ever since changing the bulb. I've been living with cover-less ceiling light since secondary school. 

Once upon a time, during lantern festival, someone left his big green lantern around my void deck. Pretty much lovely, intact and not stained (at all no), I macam orang karang  guni picked it up and brought it home. Uh huh, truth to be told. 

Today, when I got back, all that was once lovely and intact... Became torn and tattered and ripped by the wind entering my bedroom. Plus, it was too old and the paper started to be thinner each day. 

I shopped today alone at Haji Lane. And found a lovely and gorgeous store called 
Mondays-off. They hanged and displayed their lanterns and pom poms which are in various sizes! Small size costs $4, bigger a little bit costs $5. It was alright to me! Too bad after I purchased the pom poms, I HAD to ask whether they have lanterns that were displayed. Uh huh, they do at a similar pricing. Boooohoooo! 

Anyway, I did not want the lantern anymore afraid insects enter and might think it's a beehive/house/ maze whatever~ 

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