23 October 2013

Mango cuts

Happened on last Sunday while I was cutting mangoes at work. My skilled mango-cutting technique let me down on that day. I had to cut myself... Haha! I was quite shocked getting a cut and honestly, didn't know what to do. Normally, I would suck my blood... But, working in the food industry wouldn't portray myself as a hygienic person if I did that way. So, I just wash the blood away but it kept bleeding. 

And, to work in the food industry it means we had to plaster our wounds after cleaning them. In my entire 20 years of age, I have never enjoyed wearing plasters to cover up my wounds. I usually "air dry" them! Hahaah. I know it's quite a ridiculous thing to do - probably letting all the bacterias into the wounds. Anyway, it was such a hindrance to every of my touch senses at that point of time. 

Glad it cured slightly. 

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