16 August 2013

Semester 1

I just don't like the word "NEW". It makes me feel.... sad... lonely... lost.... All those negative vocabulary that could describe my current state. Not only does it affects my emotions unfortunately, it does affects my physical self. It is quite exhausting to have to travel down from Tampines to Pioneer every weekdays. Rest assure, I'm sure I'll be fine as weeks passes by... Probably, I could count in the years in University. Hahaha. InshaAllah, I can :) 

Right now... 
I'm just feeling very inferior. I believe that I, myself, am not the brightest (like a brand new light bulb) among my friends. I'm not outspoken enough and yup, I tend to understand or care more about other people than caring for myself first. Not too sure whether it's a good thing or bad. Hmmm? But hell for sure, it's bad for myself coz I'm living in lonely and lost world :( 

Oh well, things to do: 
  • Revise Physics/ do Mastering Physics/ listen to pre tutorial 
  • Revise maths...... Register for maths prep
  • Revise back chem 
  • Read up on Econs (shit!) 
  • Research on tissue engineering 
That's a lot on my list! Better get going. Shall dump all my tv programmes on weekends la like this!! AHHHH :'( 

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