15 May 2013

Dear Readers,

Do take a look at previous posts because I either edited them or popped up the blogging spirit to post an exciting story that happened on that particular day! This is to prevent my blog from being too ugly, messy and full of..... well, food? hahaha! 

So sorry for the lack of postings (I'm sure not much readers here or maybe I'm talking to myself - I don't care). Just take a look at my Instagram and Plurk on the left side of the website for interesting updates! It's muccch easier to rant/ post pictures using those application. Too bad iPhone forgot to create a special app for Blogger.com ! Do they? Hmmm~ 


  1. They have!! go download! & start updating regularly! :P

  2. Ohhhhh ya they have *insert embarrass emoji* hahahaha!!!!!! :'( oh nooo! No more reasons to not blog! Heheehe
