18 April 2013

Nakedglory Watches

"No one can never have too much watches". 

I swore upon the above. Currently, I have like around.... 2...3... Hmmm.. Well, 6 watches in total. This is including my new loot from Nakedglory.com ! I could not help myself viewing their watches on their Facebook, Instagram and website. I seemed so obsessed viewing pictures of watches like.. let's say... almost everyday?! hahaahaha! 

Neither can I control myself into buying another watch. I should really stop... Stop online shopping. Geeeezzz, like that's gonna happen! HAHAH! Anyhoooo, do take a look at Nakedglory.com and be in love with their watches. Coz I suuuure did! 

I bought myself their Casio Edge watch in Sapphire. Casio Edge watches sure did come up with a whole lot of beautiful colours. There were gold, silver and comes with a bigger face as well. I bought mine in petite because I have too much big face watches already and it was time for a change in style~ Also, sapphire was chosen because it was seriously my "love at first sight" moment upon seeing it! Other than that, it was a unique colour to me. I seriously did a lot of questioning to myself before purchasing it okaaay! WISE SHOPPER HERE! 

Below are a few more gorgeous designs sold by Nakedglory! 
No doubt I was in love with the floral and map designs (two bottom pictures). Ain't they lovellyyyyy~??? Of course they are! However, it kinda burns my Carlorina purse :( Neither they were branded... Probably hand made? Ain't that sure about these watches. All I know it's super gorgeous, unique and costs $36. There you gooooo~! 

I'm just gonna view and admire their watches then~ It'll be enough to mend my slightly broken heart. No, I ain't gonna buy them!! I SWEAR! 

These above pictures were taken from Nakedglory.com itself ! Thanks :) 
And do take a look at these watches~ 

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