12 December 2012

Yesterday's paper was tough. Or maybe I just blank down there. I tried but I just can't get any given numbers which are appropriate to fit into my formula. :( or maybe I'm just not prepared for the Ultrasound question. The histogram was total blur. Should have paid more attention to what I've drawn. All in all, I wish I could have used my brains and think on the spot and wished for more time. 1hr for that paper wasn't enough. No doubt, how bout exam paper for that - 2 hrs? I wished for more too.

Sigh, I'll do my very best for mini project which is craaayyy-zeeeee. Please please google help me a little. InsyaAllah, I can manage to surpass the passing needs and go to the next phase of difficulty for the project.  I'll definitely will buck up and spend more time practising and exposing myself with different questions. Never know what CT/ MRI scans have for me. Geeeezzz.

InsyaAllah, I can do it.  ku belaja ini Semua Kerana Allah Taa'la. :)

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