17 August 2012

Cornflakes Macaroon

As I've promised. Our homemade cornflakes macaroon  for Hari Raya. Yes, it's a must have kuih! hahaa. I had fun baking them with my mama and brothers. And seems like I'm getting the hang of beating those white eggs. It turns out pretty good , fluffy and has great outcome. Egg whites mixture are very important!
Below ingredients are quite in a huge amount. It fills like around 2 big bottles? So, if you wanna try baking them little.... You make half from this. Well, do your maths! hahaha.


240g white eggs
440g caster sugar
400g Hershey chocolate chips (small)
280g cornflakes, crushed to small pieces (I used Kellogg's plain cornflakes) 
120g almond flakes/dessicated coconut (optional)
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 teaspoon salt


  1. Preheat oven to 150 Degree Celsius. Line paper cups onto trays. 
  2. Separate your egg whites and egg yolks in a different bowl so that you might not accidentally add in egg yolk. BEWARE. 
  3. So, egg whites in your mixing bowl and using electric mixer, beat it til it rises. 
  4. Then,  add in caster sugar little by little. 
  5. Continue beating the mixture (increasing whisking speed slowly). Beat until soft peaks form and try to  flip it upside down to see whether it's well mixed.  (Shown below)
  6. Combine cornflakes, chocolate chips and almond flakes/coconut (optional) together.
  7. Add the above into your egg white mixture.
  8. Fold them together till it's all mixed well. (Note: Do not mix too long as it might liquify)

  9. Using spoons, scoop and fill around 2/3 of paper cups. 
  10. Bake them for around 20-30 mins till slighty light browned.
  11. Cool on cooling rack. 

TADAAAAA!!! It's good.


  1. Anonymous30/7/13 19:19

    Top or middle rack?
    240gm of white eggs is how mny eggs?

    1. Middle rack. It's around 3-4 medium eggs.

  2. Anonymous4/8/13 00:21

    Shall try out this recipe tomorrow. Thanks for sharing!!

    1. All the best on how it turns out! <3

  3. Anonymous23/8/13 08:50

    You did not state when to add in the vanilla essence and salt..

    1. Vanilla essence is always added at the very last 1-3mins during the mixing of the meringue(egg whites+sugar)! To prevent the strong smell of eggs for ur end product :)
      For salt, you put along with the vanilla essence will do just fine.
