22 August 2012

Chocolate Chip Cookies

It's not one of the best cookies I've tasted so far. But no doubt, it gets people gobbling them down every seconds. So I'm proud enough that this choco chip cookies of mine is a popular choice for Hari Raya :) And honestly, other houses' cookies can beat these easily. Whatever, cookies come in many varieties~ Holla over while I share my tips on baking cookies.


125g butter (for baking) + a few grams of butter (for greasing) 
100g caster sugar
100g brown sugar 
260g self-raising flour, sifted 
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence 
130g chocolate chips 
60g walnut (optional/ your choice of nuts) 


  1. Grease your baking tray with the extra butter. Preheat oven to 150 Degree Celcius. 
  2. With an electric mixer, beat the butter and vanilla essence. Then, slowly (lil by lil) add in caster sugar and brown sugar, beating them. 
  3. Add in the egg and beat til it's well mixed. ( like below)

  4. Now, with a spatula, add in the sifted flour into the previous mixture.
  5. Using folding method, mix them together adding in chocolate chips and walnut (slowly so that the choco chips & nuts will be well spread - show below)
  6. Using your hands(recommended), grab a few dough with your fingertips and shaped it into a circle-like shape. Place it on baking tray. 

  7. After all doughs are done, take a fork and press at the middle of the cookie dough shown below. (To ensure the middle of the cookie is well baked)
  8. Finally, they are ready to be baked! Baked around 10-15mins til it's lightly browned and crispy. 

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