I finally tried Salted Caramel! Not the ice cream but the ice cream cum waffle parlour.Yes, it was really far a way from my home. Since I was around that area why not visit, right? I didn't know it was at where a couple other popular cafes are situated.
They sure do have plenty of ice cream flavours to choose from. I was definitely spoilt for choice. I'm glad it was not crowded since I went at around 3-4pm(?). I, too, am glad the girl was patient enough when serving us. She sure did put on a smile while waiting for us to try the flavours/our order (tip #101 working in F&B, noted!). Among all the flavours they have there, we settled down with Avocado and Speeculous ice cream. Me and my avocado... But, they weren't as good as Alfero Artisan's, hehee :)
Salted Caramel's waffles smelt so good when it arrived our table. It definitely was crispy and that's how I like my waffles to be! Crispy enough so that by the time the ice cream melts it will in turn be soggy. LOL, my definition. I'd love to return and indulge to their waffles and ice cream again. But, it's faaaaarrrrrr......
Salted Caramel
246F Upper Thomson Road
Singapore 574370
(nearby a bus stop, so convenient)
Operating hours:
Sun- Thurs: 1200 - 2300
Eve of PH, Fri & Sat: 1200 - 0200
Website: Salted Caramel
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