07 September 2013

1D World Tour Singapore

I'm here to do a throwback #1DWorldTourSingapore which happened since 19th August - 3rd September. Yes, it was temporary unfortunately :( at The Cathay Atrium! 

To those who are very curious of what was happening or what they had at 1D World Tour, no worries I'm here to clear your doubt. Even it was overrrrr ! HAHAHAHA. They sold many kinds of merchandise ranging from $1 to even a crazy hell $100! For your info, the $100 was a full suit pajamas / jumpsuit. So.... I guess it's kindaaaa okaaay? Not gonna wear jumpsuit out anywayyss. 

There were keychain figurines, standees (OMG!), posters, tee shirts, jackets, caps, CD and well, many more junks. I was damn spoilt for choice on what to get so I ended up not getting any! It was damn regretful to not have purchased anything at all lahhh! *cries* If I had known, I should have bought on the day (Friday) I went with Eunice because there wasn't any queue at all to enter the mini store! We were lucky to have come super early! :) 

Anyhoooo, at least we had the chance to take photos with One Direction. *swwwooonn* 

Actually.... they didn't announce their newest member of the band. 
It's....... Yours truly, ME! :') 

Kissing Niall before I leave is a muuusssttt! Ohhh baby~ 

And yup, as I've previously mentioned, Eunice and I wore the same outfit combination! 
A Black and White top to bottom. With our brown Baggu Bag. Except that the shoes are different! 
YAAAAYY! Unplanned okay~ 

Next up was with Razzlynn. Thank god Habil came along! It was so much easier to have someone we know to help us take photos! Unfortunately, we couldn't get into the 1D World store coz it was having massively long queue! Madness I tell ya! It was damn hot too! 

Doing Harry's Cupcake pose. 
Zayn looks exceptionally gorgeous over this one! His eyes is spectacularly shinnyy and brown! Ohhh boy~ However, if you noticed, I'm not sure why the boys loves to put their hand in their pocket. I CAN'T HOLD YOUR HANDSSSS!?!?! 

Thank god Niall had one of his hands out of his pocket. Well, Razzlynn apparently managed to hold Harry's. Don't knoww how she did that. 

Kay, I'm crazy. 

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