03 July 2013

Cake Experiment

A few days ago, mother and I went shopping for bakery stuff! We spent freaking 2 hours at Phoon Huat and to seeee a lot of different bakery stuffs/ingredients! We compared here and there and we were in doubt which ones to buy! There were allll so adorable, gorgeous and wished we could buy everything in store! 

Mama bought for me piping tips! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! It's such a birthday present for me  (damn advance!). Coz when we were about to purchase it... I told her that I wished for someone to give me a whole bunch of different piping tips! I'm soooo gonna make 110% full use of it and gonna learn different types of patterns/designs to decorate cakes and etc! 

Here are a few rosettes on a Strawberry Shortcake I made! Kinda blessed to hold a job at a cupcake store and to be able to learn and watch my boss do her thinggg~ That's how I learn my pipings and slowly know what lovely flavours can be down with just simple vanilla cupcake :) 

I tried doing double tone frosting as well. Yes, after watching Anna (cupcake boss) decorate her Terrific Twosome cupcake!
And... I quietly decided to bake a cake for Eunice's birthday! Worth the shot~ 
Go to her blog to see more pictures that she took! It's a Strawberry Cake with purple buttercream rosettes around her cake! 
Click Here to view the cake!!! 

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